Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Light Will Always Find Away

A while back, Elder Kirchhoefer told me something that at the time I had no clue would make as great of an impact on me then it did. But knowing that even to this day I remember what it was and what spirit it brought forth is such an amazing blessing and just reminds me even more of what an amazing missionary he truly is. It was during a very difficult and dark time in my life earlier last summer when I was so sick that I was in and out of the hospital and on several different medications. So not only was I feeling weak physically but spiritually as well, so once I was getting better I met with him and Elder Saager so they could give me a blessing. But along with that blessing came an amazing lesson where Elder Kirchhoefer told me to always remember that darkness can never reside where there is light. But light can always break through in a time of darkness as long as you have faith in our Heavenly Father, sincerely pray to him and read your scriptures.

Having had such an insightful and inspiring thing stick in my head for so long like what he told me, has come in use several times these last few weeks. Within the last month or so, I've had several great opportunities to share the Gospel, the Plan of Salvation and the whole LDS Church. Which before was kind of a rare thing for me since I've never been one to be so opened with my opinions and personal beliefs, since that's never done much good for me in the past and has cost me a lot before.  But these random acts of courage and service have done me a lot of good and have helped strengthen me in ways I never even imagined. So from just telling random people where I work that I am a BYU-Idaho student to actually reading half of Alma 30 to my dad while also giving an in depth explanation of the Plan of Salvation is a very new, wonderful and even frightening. But I know that little by little and step by step I am on the path to not only bringing blessings into the lives of the people I'm sharing with, but my life as well. By praying about these people that I've just met and even the people that I love and care about along with sharing as much as I possibly can, I'm learning how to be the best missionary that I can be and to be more charitable and less shy. All of these encounters have given me hope and have made me truly realize that even in a time of darkness, where nothing seems to be getting better; light can and will always find it's way through if you want it to.

So to anybody who's a convert to this church or has inactive family members, there still is hope. I've learned this from difficult yet rewarding personal experience. Nothing will change unless you have the faith, hope and desire. Even though for a while I never expressed a great concern in my family not having an interest in my church, I've always dreamed of what it would be like to see my brothers go on missions. Or what it would be like to see my dad give a blessing or sit up front with the Bishop as part of the Bishopric and my mom running events in the Relief Society. I've always wished for someday to see that, but I never realized how much it really did matter to me until this time. But my dreams in the past have come true before, so I'm not giving up. I will always do everything in my power to make sure I never give up trying and never forget to show my family and friends the love that Heavenly Father can provide and the spirit that we can feel that can come from this truly restored church.

Alma 44 says But Alma said unto him: Thou hast had signs enough; will ye tempt your God? Will ye say, Show unto me a sign, when ye have the testimony of all these thy brethren, and also all the holy prophets? the scriptures are laid before thee, yea, and all things denote there is a God; yea, even the earth and all things which are upon the face of it, yea, and it's demotion, yea, and also all the planets which move in their regular form, do witness that there is a Supreme Creator.

1 comment:

  1. I love that your dreams are for your family to accept the Gospel. That shows how pure and true your love is for each of them. Keep doing what you're doing and living how you're living, and at some point (whether in this life or the next) they'll see your example, your peace of mind and joy, and they too will accept it.
