Thursday, April 12, 2012

How Did Something So Good, Happen To Me?

In this month's General Conference, on the Sunday Morning session discussed Elder Russell M. Nelson said:
"Anybody who studies the workings of the human body has surely "seen God moving in majesty and power." Because the body is governed by divine law, any healing comes by obedience to the law upon which that blessing is predicated. 
Yet some people erroneously think that these marvelous physical attributes happened by chance or resulted by a big bang somewhere. Ask yourself, "Could an explosion in a print shop produce a dictionary?" The likelihood is MOST remote. But if so, it could never heal it's own torn pages or reproduce it's own newer editions!"

Even though this statement by the surely entertaining Elder made the crowd laugh, there really was sincere meaning behind what he was saying that not only was relative to what he was speaking of. But it came across as a personal revelation to myself. The thought of "How could something so good, happen to me" has been running through my mind a lot these last few weeks. Every time I step foot into institute, meet with the missionaries, spend time with my friends from church, kneel down and pray, open my scriptures or simply just take the time to sit back and really look at how wonderful this life can be and embrace the beauty that is our bodies and the complexity that we have; like Elder Nelson mentioned in his talk at Conference. There is a lot to take in and if you don't take the time to sit back and really sit still, listen to what God is trying to tell you and appreciate everything in life that you do have. Then it all goes to waste and what was the point anyways? 

This General Conference really was a superb experience. Getting to be in the same room as the Prophet and Apostles, and knowing that the Spirit was there and every person in that Conference Center with me, came to listen to the Word of God was one of the most calming feelings I've ever felt in my entire life. Knowing that there is a God, our Father in Heaven and Christ our Savior who loves us with every fiber of their being and even if I, or you , or anybody else were the ONLY one who came to this earth to live this mortal life, Christ would still come to atone for you. Knowing that the love that they have for us is so infinite is enough for me to keep going. So what I want to say that made me feel like our Father in Heaven was speaking directly to me through Elder Nelson, is when he said "Could an explosion in a print shop produce a dictionary?" Well to me it seems like my life has! Not so literal and extreme, but that leads back to "How did something so GOOD happen to me??" 

Looking back on how my life was before I was a member, then how life was the month I was taking the lessons from Elder Saager and Elder Malietoa. THEN to see how my baptism was and life therefore after. It still shocks the crud out of me and I still can't believe that something so amazing, so wonderful and so full of grace and love could have happened to me. It feels like my print shop did explode and create a dictionary. But that explosion was my faith finally breaking through and the dictionary.. well I have no way of comparing that to anything but I do know that even though it feels like everything happened so suddenly like that, it still happened for a reason from God. I love it. 

I'm thankful for this every day, I'm thankful for the restored Gospel and the opportunity I had to go to Conference with one of my most best of friends, Savannah. The opportunity to sustain our Prophet, President Thomas S. Monson as Prophet, Seer, and Revelator, along with all the apostles. Then getting to see Temple Square and talking to sister missionaries while doing so. Heavenly Father loves us, and even though life gets hard and we feel lonely from time to time, everything in the end will be worth it. And that I can testify of with everything that I am, love and believe. 

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